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J A Z Z   1

J A Z Z   2

  1.  All about me

  2.  Weekends

  3.  Technology

  4.  Dating & Nightlife

  5.  Sofa time

  6.  Health & Fitness

  7.  Holidays & Festivals

  1.  Family

  2.  Hobbies & Interests

  3.  University

  4.  Shopping

  5.  Movies

  6.  Food & Restaurants

  7.  Sports & Exercise

  8.  Vacations & Travel

  8.  Work & Getting there

3rd Edition Workbook & Audio files

Each workbook unit has 6 pages. The answers to pages 3 and 4 are in the book, and on the book's CD.

Thus, students can find their answers by looking in the book, or play the CD and improve their listening AND find the answers.

For pages 3 & 4 use the book's MP3 files.

For page 5 use the website.

Page 82 Pronunciation practice

Click on the set to listen
